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  • Legendary Mamas is a unique new incentive program offering sidepots to TL events occurring throughout the United States and Canada.    We are excited to offer this new option highlighting the producing mares by TL Stallions!   

  • TLM sidepots are offered at all TL events.  To be eligible to enroll into TLM - the competing horse's dam's sire must be a TL Stallion. 

  • One Time Enrollment Fee $500 due as a yearling.

  • Additional TLM entry fee of $100 for all TLM Sidepots.

  • TLM Sidepots will payout 100% advertised added money PLUS 80% of all entry fees.

    • ​For example: $5000 added sidepot advertised, 100 horses enter - the total payout will be: $13,000 (80% of $100 * 100 entries, plus the $5000 added)  

  • Stallions do not enroll or pay fees! This is an added benefit of their enrollment in TL!

  • TLM is an added money plus percentage of entries payout - therefore the amount per placing and number of placings will be effected by entry numbers (number of spots paid per division is a result of the number of entries.)  

  • Payout Breakdown

    • 10% to stallion owners​

    • 30% to nominator

    • 60% to owner

  • TLM offers a unique opportunity for mare owners to add visibility, value, and earnings to their offspring.  

  • We are estimating a $5,000 added TLM sidepot in 2025 at all TL events.   Actual added payout amount will be based on enrollments - total payout at each event is based on TLM entries.  

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